Life through a new lens
‘I wish someone had told me that from going within, I would find housed within me a tremendous light, my truest version of Self…’
That simple sentiment comes from Sarah Blondin, a Canadian writer and videographer and the author of a long-running podcast that she calls ‘Live Awake’.
The essence of the message that Sarah strives to convey is that by ‘living awake’, by being truly aware, from second to second, of the significance of even the smallest detail of the world in which we live, we embark on a process with the power to transform how we live - and perceive - our own lives.
That crucial shift in perception doesn’t happen overnight, of course. You don’t just decide that tomorrow, you’re going to view the world and your place in it in a different way and bosh! Life is grand again. It’s a process of discovery, beginning with honest introspection and leading eventually to a grateful turning outwards and a rediscovery of the magnitude and opportunity of life.
This idea of reaching inward rather than outward for lasting solutions to the difficulties and anxieties that we face in life is nothing new, it’s been taught in one form or another since Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and gained Enlightenment.
But what does it mean to us? What does it look like in our modern, fast-paced world where attempts at self-development are often scoffed at by others or crowded out by the relentless demands of family, work and friends?
In his wonderful book, The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman says, ‘In reclaiming the power of choice, we find the courage to live fully in the world.’
That’s a fancy way of saying, ‘You got this…’
Last week, I suggested stepping out in courage, taking things in hand and tackling whatever goal or ambition you’ve been harbouring for so long. After all, what’s the worst that can happen..?
Today, I’m saying, ‘You’re the boss of you’.
Inside you right now is the wonderful ability to ‘live awake’ in the world, led by your heart’s true desire towards a happier and more fulfilling life.
But you have to find it and you have to work out how to find it. Nobody can do that for you.
So be brave. A first step might be to set time aside for introspection. You might like to practise simple breathing exercises to begin with or investigate the benefits of mindfulness. Whatever feels right and is practical for you to do. After that, the path you take is up to you, but there is plenty of help out there if you’ve decided to seek change and transformation in your life.
Perhaps you could kickstart the process by listening to one of Sarah’s ‘Live Awake’ blogs via the free app, Insight Timer, or getting yourself a copy of her new book, Heart Minded (